
Asia-Focus . Media . Industry Publication

July 27, 2024

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Promote Your Music With Us

Do you have plans to promote your music in 2023? If yes, do you have long-term plans and goals to do this for many more years to come? If the answer is also yes, read on. In 2022, Music Press Asia collaborated with over 200 specialized live music promoters and marketers in Asia-Pacific and worldwide to promote the release of…

Interview With John Switzer, Seneca Music

John has produced over 50 records and has been involved in many more as a musician or engineer. He has gold records and numerous awards and nominations to his credit.…

Interview John Switzer of Seneca Music. Music Press Asia

Stream of Praise Released New Single, Covid-19 Inspired

Stream of Praise music ministries have recently released their latest single 盡情地微笑 Smile – 同心合一版in a collaboration with the Joshua Orchestra, Tianyun Chorus, Xindian Xingdao Club and Taipei Fuxing Church.…

Stream of Praise released latest single inspired by Covid-19. Music Press Asia
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