Navigating Wellness in Taitung: A Conversation with Ching-Ling Yao on Cultivating Resilience in a Slow Economy Taitung, a county in Taiwan, is a glorious little coastal paradise facing the Pacific Ocean. With a population of less than 100,000 people, it is just the right place to find peace. This is where wellness and health play huge roles in its every day living and where travellers would end up staying. Today’s interview leads us directly to a leader who takes health seriously. Music Press Asia speaks to Taitung mayor Ching-Ling Yao. Interview below.
Taitung, a county in Taiwan, is a glorious little coastal paradise facing the Pacific Ocean. With a population of less than 100,000 people, it is just the right place to find peace. This is where wellness and health play huge roles in its every day living and where travellers would end up staying. Today’s interview leads us directly to a leader who takes health seriously. Music Press Asia speaks to Taitung mayor Ching-Ling Yao. Interview below.

- In the spirit of Taitung, beauty of its people, and geography, how has Taitung evolved economically over the last few years? We are curious how Taitung has come to embrace the slow economy. How did this idea come about and why it’s even more important than ever after the pandemic?

I have always felt that the more internationalized our times become, the more our local features need to be developed. How to maintain Taitung’s true, inherent beauty while marketing it correctly is a question of how to promote the county’s development in a sustainable way, ensuring the quality of life of its residents and allowing all involved to share in the prosperity generated by the slow-living culture. As a result, our policy is dedicated to promoting the slow economy.

Being “slow” takes a conscious effort. People have to spend time to refine their quality of life. We want people to obtain satisfaction in the body, mind, and spirit to find true happiness. This is an attitude about life particular to Taitung. But being slow doesn’t mean the government can just sit idly aside and do nothing; we have to think fast and efficiently about how to highlight Taitung’s slow value and turn that into economic value.
We have seen that once people have gotten material wealth through economic development, they start to look back in pursuit of psychological and spiritual satisfaction and balance.
“They desire to embark on a search of self-realization within the natural beauty of untouched mountains, pure bodies of water, and rich, untainted culture.” — Ching-Ling Yao, Mayor of Taitung, Taiwan.
This has become especially true with the epidemics, war, and climate change-related disasters in recent years, which have made life increasingly difficult. The return to our simple nature and the pursuit of balance among the body, mind, and spirit have thus become an aspiration shared by many people.

Taitung’s slow-living atmosphere and natural setting are a clear doorway to physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. This is why we launched the Taitung Spirit Festival in 2021, Taitung County’s exclusive brand of spiritual aesthetic.
It is aimed at helping people slow down in this age of rapid change to feel what is going on inside, change their lives, and obtain greater satisfaction in these three components of the human being. As such, we have worked to highlight the features of unique, precious Taitung.
- Taitung Spirit Festival is attracting a large crowd of people worldwide in their quest to seek and achieve wellness, health and a peaceful place to rest before they get back to their busy lives. Why do you think they have chosen Taitung and what is the true reason they are returning?

We often jokingly tell people to be careful when they come because the soil is quite “sticky.” That is, people keep coming back.

Due to its location and topography, Taitung has developed slowly compared with the rest of the island, allowing for the preservation of numerous pure, natural sights. The coast, the East Rift Valley, the southern part of the county, and the outlying islands each boast unique kinds of scenery. Our coastal highway is 176 kilometers long, the longest of any locale in Taiwan, running alongside the boundless blue Pacific, the scenery attracting countless tourists each year.
In the fall, the East Rift Valley turns gold with the ripening of the rice, and then there is the lush greenery of untouched forests, the warmth of hot springs, the underwater ecology on the outlying islands, and more. Tucked within this natural radiance is a great variety of Indigenous culture, all working together to make Taitung completely different from any place you have ever been.

This once seemingly forgotten bit of land is now showing the world its incomparable beauty. Its glow is a magnet for people who have become too busy and completely lost in the cares of the modern world. Here, they may truly breathe and take life easy.

While holding to the principle of preserving natural resources, we have coordinated all types of events that take place on land, in the air, and in the water, bringing together all kinds of different people. While here, they find it hard to pull themselves away, which is why they invariably come back. The Taitung Spirit Festival is one such event, for which we make use of the abovementioned regional features. Aimed at all who pursue health, mental and physical balance, and tranquility, the festival is a representation of Taitung’s spiritual energy that incorporates nature, culture, and the power to heal.
從2021年主題「Pause for Yourself.」,到2023年「Embrace Who you are.」,這個年輕卻獨樹一格的療癒性活動已成為全臺知名的身心靈休閒美學品牌。
From the themes of “Pause for Yourself” in 2021 to “Embrace Who You Are” in 2023, this young yet singular event of healing has become a brand of physical, psychological, and spiritual aesthetic and recreation known throughout Taiwan.

Since its inauguration, it has seen over 30,000 attendees, more than 40 communities have gotten involved in the related therapy industry empowerment program, over 100 local businesses have become connected, and nearly 100 local instructors and over 200 instructors from other parts of Taiwan and abroad who are experts in their fields have participated.
- Wellness isn’t something we can achieve in a short time. But there are always things to learn when we travel to a new place. What would you say is uniquely Taitung when it comes to how its local community member embrace wellness? If you can point to one thing we can all about its people and their wellness practices and routines, what would that be?
Nature is our therapist here.

The unique natural environment and spiritual aura of Taitung attract many seekers of physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness. Some of them only plan to visit but end up living here. They live by the cycle of nature and soak in the energy it radiates here while respectfully engaging in dialogue with the land.
People find healing by connecting with nature. This concept is brought into the areas of yoga, the growing of herbs, the manufacture of essence oils, aromatherapy, meditation, dancing that focuses on stretching, musical creation, gardening, healthy eating, etc. This manifestation of slow living is gradually influencing the local atmosphere, causing more locals with the potential for becoming ardent pursuers of physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness to follow such a lifestyle and, while doing that, discover the beauty and spirituality of their home.

- What will Taitung’s 2024 Wellness Calendar look like?
We have launched therapeutic journeys based on the ocean, the night sky, and hot springs in the past with content including activities that are linked to nature, such as SUP yoga, “waterfall purification,” and hot spring therapy. We have also held music-based activities – hang drum yoga, singing bowl music therapy, and gong baths – and art-based ones – theater therapy, horticultural therapy, and “spirit dance parties.”

2024年「自然醒慢活祭」將以「Be a light unto yourself.」做號召,持續在自然場域中推出療癒體驗、工作坊、音樂節等活動,每個月都會有相關的內容,請容我們賣個關子,更多資訊可以關注自然醒慢活祭官方網站(Taitung Spirit Festival)
For the 2024 theme, “Be a Light unto Yourself,” we will continue with therapeutic experiences, workshops, and music festivals among nature each month. I want to keep you in suspense for now, but you can stay informed on what is coming up on the festival website. Click here.

For Taiwan’s first government-organized brand of spiritual aesthetic, we look forward to the festival becoming a more comprehensive spiritual indicator.
By bringing in more professionals and integrating more related knowledge and local creativity, we look to enrich the local pool of talent and make the festival an industry platform as we continue to offer unique experiences with the land that benefit both us and it.
With our wealth of natural tourism resources, we will expand on what it means to live slowly in Taitung as we attract people to come and relax.

- Taitung has many beautiful places to visit. But if you get to choose one, where would you go and how would you enjoy the place?
If I had only one choice, I would have to go with Shanyuan Beach. The local Amis call it Fudafudak, which means “place that radiates with light.” Their traditional activities of gathering and ceremonies often take place here.
“A glorious paradise of unmatched well-being.” — Monica Tong, founder of Music Press Asia.

The beach is in the middle of Taitung’s coast, about 30 minutes by car from downtown. The half-moon-shaped bay boasts a 1.5-km-long beach with a gentle grade, fine sand, crystal-clear water, no dangerous currents, and a beautiful array of coral, so it is a perfect place to enjoy the ocean. It is also one of the places the Taitung Spirit Festival has been held.
I want everyone who comes here to be able to walk along this beach, free and easy in the soft sand, to feel the gentle kiss of the breeze and hear the gentle crash of the waves. May they immerse themselves in the wonder of Taitung while basking in the serenity and healing power of the ocean.
Read more: Experience Wellness at Taitung Spirit Festival 2023