
Asia-Focus . Media . Industry Publication

October 22, 2024

Ching Ling Yao Interview Taitung Tourism. Music Press Asia

Navigating Wellness in Taitung: A Conversation with Ching-Ling Yao on Cultivating Resilience in a Slow Economy

In the spirit of Taitung, beauty of its people, and geography, how has Taitung evolved economically over the last few years? We are curious how Taitung has come to embrace the slow economy. How did this idea come about and why it’s even more important than ever after the pandemic? 我一向覺得,愈國際化的時代,發展要愈在地。如何持續保有臺東這份真善美的特質,並且「有理念、有風格」的「販售」臺東的真善美,成為既能帶動地方發展,同時兼具永續發展與居民的生活品質,讓世代共享臺東「慢」的價值所能帶來的榮景,我們研擬出的縣政方案核心,就是「慢經濟」。 I have always felt that the more internationalized our…

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