Interview with Darryl Hurs

Part I: Introduction
Thank you, in my part of the world (Toronto, Canada) it’s been snow… snow… and more snow! Temperatures have also been below normal around -20 to -30 so I’ve been staying inside most of the time. This gives me more time to work on our upcoming music+tech conference, SCREENxSCREEN (Feb 8 – 10 online). The lineup of speakers is stellar and I’m looking forward to in-depth conversations about NFT’s and the metaverse. Info is at
Part II: Industry
Q2. What is happening within your industry?
I would say it’s busier than ever before for a number of reasons. People are available and connecting online like never before and with the advancement of the digital age, there’s just so much to keep on top of as every day there are new developments.
Q3. In your perspective, why is the tech and music industry such a great combination for this era?
With the advancement of online tools and platforms, opportunities have opened up both for big brands and DIY artists and creators. Everyone has access to technology and can be immersed in the new age. There are more ways to collect royalties and more areas to place music so everyone is scrambling a bit to gain market share. With NFT’s it’s a bit of the “wild west” and things are being figured out as we go which brings a high level of excitement that I think was missing for a few years in the music industry. With COVID and lockdowns, we have all been forced to reinvent how we do business which has also been a huge factor.

Part III: At ScreenxScreen
Q4. Why is ScreenxScreen an important platform for the music and tech world in 2022 and moving forward?
An open forum where ideas, strategies, and information are discussed with industry leaders is crucial right now – those in the audience get firsthand information that can aid in understanding and keeping up with today’s evolving trends. Another advantage is the online platform gives the opportunity to connect and exchange information directly like never before. SCREENxSCREEN will be covering topics that include the metaverse, NFT’s, blockchain, AI, AR/VR, live streaming, and more.
Q5. Who should attend?
Anyone that is interested in music and tech at any level. Either a creator or someone in the business – or someone looking to get into the business.
For further information, please visit SCREENxSCREEN official website.
DARRYL HURS (CD Baby / Indie Week) has a 25+ year history in the music business including launching and running one of Canada’s largest emerging artist showcase festivals and conference, Indie Week Canada. Darryl currently is the director of market development in Canada for CD Baby. During COVID he has begun holding multiple online conferences and events including SCREEN x SCREEN music and tech conference (FEB 2021) and indie101 (APR 2021).
Darryl has also negotiated numerous sponsorship and partnership agreements including those with Jack Daniels, Jagermeister, CD Baby, SLAIGHT MUSIC, and more. Past positions include graphic design/branding for Live Nation as a freelancer. Work included corporate rebranding, event marketing assets, work for known artists such as U2, Nickelback, Madonna, Beyonce, Jay-Z and Dave Matthews and the launching of
Darryl also has past experience as a booker for one of Toronto’s top live music venues (The Rivoli) where he has either worked with or booked shows for Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), The Trews, Matt Mays, Matthew Good, Hozier, Young the Giant and many more.