
Podcast of the Week: The Real Story of MTV with Bob Pittman

Bob Pittman podcast Math and Magic Music Press Asia

Today MTV is a cultural institution, but people forget what a long shot it was to get the channel off the ground.

Bob Pittman led the team that created MTV. In this special episode, he reminisces with co-founders and friends John Sykes, Judy McGrath, Fred Seibert, Tom Freston and Jarl Mohn about what it was like to create the ’80s version of a start-up and lead a TV revolution by dreaming up the rules as they went along.

From why the first MTV logo was designed on crinkled paper (it spent a little time in a trash bin), to how a tiny record store in Tulsa helped save the business, to why you should really think twice about going on a Lost Weekend with Van Halen… all the way to how a terrible cereal inspired one of the greatest ad slogans of all time: “I want my MTV.”

In honor of the 43rd anniversary of MTV, it is a classic episode: the real story of MTV, as told by the founders.

This episode from Bob Pittman podcast’s “Math & Magic” is full of stories that marketers, fans and entrepreneurs will all want to hear.

Listen to the podcast here.

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