Leaf Yeh To Perform At 2021 World Music Festival A family affair: Taipei’s annual World Music Festival is a three-day event packed with live music, discussions, and cultural story-telling. Don’t miss it!
A family affair: Taipei’s annual World Music Festival is a three-day event packed with live music, discussions, and cultural story-telling. Don’t miss it!

Taiwan World Music Festival returns to Taipei this weekend with an explosive program featuring exciting acts from the region.
Singer-Songwriter Leaf Yeh has recently attracted major buzz in Taiwan and is gaining attention worldwide. Her adventurous mixture of pop, electronic, and world music is uniquely diverse. In order to create a fully immersive world so originally hers, she mixes traditional and modern instruments using piano, flute, handpan, sitar, and didgeridoo.
Prior to her upcoming performance this weekend, other live events whose audiences have also enjoyed her repertoire include the Simple Life Festival and Macao Craft Market Festival. Over the years, she’d carved a successful career in film and television scoring, writing for projects including Angry Birds 2, With You, What She Put On The Table, and more.
Leaf Yeh, Taiwan’s rising star, is set to perform alongside five other specially selected artists and groups in a special showcase on the first day of the festival (29 October, Friday).
World Music Program At Your Feet:
Tribal group VASA Paiwan Traditional Dancing & Music Troupe is Taiwan’s pride and joy. Bask in the warmth of the sun whilst enjoying the group’s musical choruses. At the same time, let the swaying and jiggling of its colourful costumes feast the eyes. Beyond its passionate colours, be ready for an enthralling and charming performance.
Other artists and musicians gracing the stage at the Festival include Jill Stark, Beat of Kaoshiung (featuring Hau-yi Tsai), and The Youths of the Sea Island.
The three-day music festival holds great pride, equally, as a center that gathers actors and influencers from some of the world’s most ancient communities. Here, we recommend attending Alena Murang’s discussion of the ‘Music of the Kelabit Highland of Sarawak’.
On-site festival program
30 October:
Mastaneh (Iran, Taiwan)
Grass Walkers (Taiwan)
Youth Banana (Taiwan)
Son Montuno en Hakka feat Tito (Taiwan)
Tio Chorinho (Canada)
O-KAI Singers (Taiwan)
Sangpuy (Taiwan)
Suming (Taiwan)
Dance workshops:
Trip to the Middle East – Arabian dancing (Performers from Taiwan Middle Eastern Culture Art Association)
Dance lesson – Turkish and Persian dancing
Potpourri of Belly dancing
31 October:
Seredau (Sang Mei-Chuon) Taiwan
The Muddy Basin Ramblers (US, UK, Taiwan)
Gina’s Can (Taiwan)
Bantu Salsa (Canada)
Sauljaljui (Taiwan)
Spectro7 feat. Jacky Chen (Taiwan)
ZenKwun (Taiwan)
Taiwu Ancient Ballads Troupe – Farewell to Camake (Taiwan)
Dance workshops:
Fusion Dancing from 5 Continents (Performers from Taiwan Middle Eastern Culture Art Association
Nicaraguan dancing with Ramiro Silvia
Belizean dancing with Eva Melody
Music Recommendation:
Beat of Kaohsiung 高雄鼓道場 latest album 山雨 is literally translated from the word Mountain Rain. Produced by Richard Su in collaboration with Bigwig Studio and White Wall Studio.
人聲 Vocal / 吳家綺 Nora Wu
太鼓 Taiko / 林書瑜 Violet Lin
非洲鼓 Djembe / 吳家綺 Nora Wu
澳洲吹管 Didgeridoo / 蔡嘉祥 Chia Hsiang Tsai
手碟鼓 Handpan / 蔡嘉祥 Chia Hsiang Tsai
中東鼓 Dabuca / 蔡嘉祥 Chia Hsiang Tsai
打擊樂器 percussions / 蔡嘉祥 Chia Hsiang Tsai

Listen to 你哭完該笑了 Smiles After Tears by Leah Yeh.
Listen to water me (Feat. Baridi Baridi) by Jill Stark.
Listen to 山雨 SHAN YU Full Album by Beat of Kaohsiung.
Listen to Warrior Spirit by Alena Murang.
Check out other program recommendations of the festival, here. For ticketing and full program listing, click here.