
Asia-Focus . Media . Industry Publication

September 17, 2024

Vinyloftheday launches mobile app hosting a marketplace for buying, selling and trading new and used vinyl.
Vinyloftheday launches mobile app hosting a marketplace for buying, selling and trading new and used vinyl.

VinylOfTheDay Launches Mobile App

Famous for its hashtag #vinyloftheday on Instagram, the platform established in 2013 in Singapore is now offering users to buy, sell and trade records via a user-friendly interface available on the Apple Store mobile app for iPhone with the Android version coming soon. Kurt Loy, founder of Vinyloftheday and also brains behind the app, saw the resurgence of interest in…

QRATES Vinylises Music

Some of the best things [sounds] in life do come in the form of a vinyl held in your hand.…

QRATES manages the whole pressing process of a vinyl. It is digitising the vinyl scene making headway in the music industry

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