TiVo, Soundstr, Amazon Panel SF Music Tech Summit Discover the world’s newest innovations, network, and discuss the latest challenges facing music executives, startups and creators in the music world today.
Discover the world’s newest innovations, network, and discuss the latest challenges facing music executives, startups and creators in the music world today.

TiVo, Soundstr, Amazon executives to attend San Francisco Music Tech Summit.
SF Music Tech Summit takes place coming 17 October bringing together entrepreneurs, startups, and every evolving business surrounding the music business and technology ecosystem. The Summit brings together some of the most promising developers, entrepreneurs, investors, service providers, journalists, musicians in a single event in San Francisco. It is the place where music executives and businesses collide to discuss some of the most prominent issues facing the tech and music world of today.
This year, the summit continues to highlight some of the heavyweight and key players discussing long term challenges affecting the USA today. As Asia continues to build on its network bracing the next decade into the digital age including VR, new licensing laws and regularly combatting music piracy, it is in the foreseeable future that conversations in technology and copyright are vital issues that need a broader discussion among us and not only in the West.
Invited speakers consist of professionals from the startup and legal industry, both which play undoubtedly vital roles and responsibility in the music world today.
Speakers announced at the summit include Sammy Andrews – Sabotage & Entertainment Intelligence, Advisor and Director; Darryl Ballantyne – LyricFind, Founder & CEO; Eron Bucciarelli-Tieger, Soundstr, Founder & CEO; Cindy W. Charles, Esq., Amazon, Head of Business Development, Video Shorts; Michael Jeffrey, TiVo, VP Client Management, Metadata Exec, and many more just to name a few.
Check out SF MusicTech Summit full list of attending speakers.